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Bass Canyon 2018 Review

Sparkling Festival Vibes



I just got home from the first Bass Canyon on Monday, and even though my whole body hurts from headbanging all weekend, I don’t think my heart’s been so full of happiness after a festival like this before. I’ve seen people post on Facebook about how Bass Canyon was their best festival, and I’d also have to say it was one of the best festivals I’ve been to. The production was amazing, everyone on the lineup brought their best sets, and the vibes overall were incredible.

Neon Lights and Music

Squad picture by @andreanicolebaby


Everyone mostly arrived on Thursday, and Excision had amazing things instore for us in the GA Campgrounds. After I arrived to the Gorge Thursday evening, I went down to the GA campgrounds with my friends for the pre-party after setting up my tent. Excision announced that he was planning a pre-party, but no details were given about it besides the time and location before it happened. It turned out, everyone was going to be blessed by an amazing Excision b2b Sullivan King b2b Dion Timmer b2b Protohype b2b Figure b2b 12th Planet set! I only ended up staying for a couple of hours because I was exhausted, but this set was definitely something that you didn’t want to miss.

General Festival Review

Colorful Rave Adventure


Overall, the execution of the festival was amazing. Whenever anything happened that was inconvenient to the festival-goers, improvements were made right away, and it was obvious that everyone’s experiences there really mattered to the organizers. For example, I know that many people complained about the long lines the first day. It took my group around 3 hours to get in, and that was definitely a huge inconvenience. After day 1, the organizers of Bass Canyon posted on the app that they were opening the doors to the festival much earlier for day 2, and the improvement was massive the next day. The longest we had to wait after the first day was 30 minutes, and I was absolutely amazed by how quickly changes were made to improve the festival.



This festival was a one-stage festival, which meant that there were no big schedule conflicts. This was the first time I experienced this at a big music festival, and honestly I’m all for it. It was amazing not having to choose between my favorite artists, and it also gave me a chance to discover new music. Plus this meant that I got to see my favorite view of the Gorge for 80% of the festival, and I definitely have no complaints about that.

Rave wear fashion statement



The merch at Bass Canyon was amazing, and I really wanted to buy everything they had at the merch booth. The festival collaborated with several brands such as Freedom Rave Wear and Fancy Unicorns and brought together affordable and good quality merch.

Bold festival attire


Some festival favorites were tie die Bass Canyon t-shirts, Bass Canon sweatshirts, parasols and fans made by Fancy Unicorns, and rave hoods made by Freedom Rave Wear!

Vibrant rave fashion



Anyone who saw the lineup for Bass Canyon could see that it was stacked with amazing producers. My personal favorites were Rusko, BTSM, Excision’s detox set, Slander,  Excision b2b NGHTMRE, and Downlink b2b Space Laces.

The end of the first day was amazing for me. Rusko was definitely a good relaxed set before I went hard during BTSM, and Excision ended the day with a bang with his amazing set and mind-blowing visuals from his Paradox production. Day 2 was a more relaxed day for me, but ultimately day 3 was my favorite day. I had been waiting to see Excision’s detox set since I missed it at EDC, and he did not disappoint. I was down in the pit for this set, and it was amazing being in the middle of it all during that set. The festival ended with Excision b2b NGHTMRE and all I have to say was it was a good end to the festival. Excision brought up Slander as a special guest, and I was so happy to see Gud Vibrations (Slander and NGHTMRE) close with Excision, I could not have asked for a better ending than that.

Eye-catching festival ensemble


 Overall, this festival was amazing for me. I was a little skeptical at first about going to an all-bass three day festival (the thought of headbanging three days straight seemed impossible to me), but I ended up having the time of my life, and definitely got to space everything out between taking breaks and going all out. I’m excited to see what Excision has in store for this festival next year, I’ll definitely be there again if he decides to make this an annual festival at the Gorge! 

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