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Bass Canyon 2019

By: Clare Nemec (@dinamo155)

Bass Canyon 2019 was a trip like no other, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Nothing really went according to plan for my little group of headbangers, from broken-down cars to lost passports. But we made it, and we did it. And we had a hell of a time. The memories I made at the gorge last weekend were nothing short of crazy, but I'll cherish them for a lifetime.

Where to even begin… No collection of words can describe the magical memories I made this weekend in the most beautiful place around.


Beautiful place around

The culture behind Bass Canyon is hands down one of the best meeting places for the purest and friendliest of people to congregate together. I have made the best of friends, on the side of the highway, on the tops of RVs, simply just chilling on the hill here. Everywhere you look vibes are flowing and the happy spirit is visible. And that’s just the people… don’t even get me started on the venue. The view is simply incomparable, you leave the real world behind and get surrounded by desert skies and luscious grass leaving you nicely tanned or extremely sunburnt :P. Whether it’s 8 am with the sun rising or 9 pm when it starts cooling off, there is no place I would rather be.

From the start, entering the gorge, the lines can get a bit chaotic, so if you’re intending on doing pre-party or want to simply enjoy your Thursday, make sure to leave yourself extra time so you don’t miss out on your favorite sets. It took us up to four hours just to get into our campsite…. Ouch!

Once you got inside the venue this year, they had a waterslide so make sure you pack your bikini if you're looking for a fun way to cool down! I had the honor of splurging on a freedom rave wear outfit set for this weekend, and let me tell you they do not disappoint my friends!! It was by far the cutest and comfiest outfit I've worn to date. Not only was the print cute and vibrant, they can double as a bathing suit ;). 2 in 1? I think yes!! The quality really does live up to their name, and that tube top stayed up despite my crazy headbanging. This company has my 100% stamp of approval :P

Freedom rave

When it comes to staying fueled so you can dance the night away, for all my veggie headed plant-based friends out there, I know how hard it can be to eat at festivals sometimes. Trying to bring your own camp grill and coolers can be hard when you’re trying to wook it for a weekend! But do not fear, the gorge is extremely plant-based friendly! I had no issue staying refreshed and well-fed all weekend! So don’t worry if you forget those veggie dogs because bass canyon has something to eat for everyone. Pizza, sushi, tofu noodle bowls, you name it!

This festival has taught me a lot of things, but the most valuable lesson it taught me this year was it will never be about where you are, it’s the people you surround yourself with that make your days worthwhile. Your mood will always be determined by the energy you let into your life so I encourage you to find the humans who do that for you. If it wasn’t for my girls and the amazing people in my life holding me through this weekend, from lost phone chargers, to heat exhaustion ( ALWAYS BRING THOSE HYDRATION PACKS) it wouldn’t have been the same. <3



All in all, this trip was anything but simple, but rewarding nonetheless. The kindness and hospitality I got from strangers who turned into new friends, who showed us nothing but love and compassion through our roller coaster ride of a weekend proves rave culture is still alive and well. Thank you to everyone who made this trip so memorable and I hope to see all you crazy headbanging babes back on the hill for Bass Canyon 2020! 

Clare Nemec (@dinamo155)

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