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Women’s Rave Fashion Trends for 2022

It’s a new year, and with a new year comes new style. While rave fashion always has marched to the beat of its own drum, it can be useful to check out bigger fashion trends when deciding how you’re going to suit up for your next rave. Even if you want to go against the grain, it’s always good to know which way the fashion wind is blowing. Getting some ideas on other rave outfits women are putting together is also a great way to give your some inspiration for putting together your next rave outfit. If you’re looking to pick out rave clothes for women, here are some of the trends to keep in mind.

Color is In

Color is in. Not that color ever really goes out of style, but muted shades are definitely something that are going to be a thing of the past very soon. Maybe it’s a longing for summer that comes with every turn of the year. Or maybe it’s people looking for a return to the vibrant outdoors after being traumatized by lockdowns. Regardless, this season, you are going to want to go for eyecatching colors and patterns. Thankfully with rave outfits, women rarely have to worry about alack of color

In particular, we should be seeing a return of the boldest of bold colors when it comes to rave outfits for women. If you have always wanted to rock something inhot pink, then this is absolutely the time to go for it. You want a set of colors that tells everyone that you’re back in action in a big way.

Trippy patterns are also going to be the lay of the land for rave outfits for women heading into the new year. Maybe it’s because the past few years have left all of us feeling a little bit loopy, or maybe its because people are bored with sticking to more conservative patterns. Looking like a walking talking acid trip isa-okay

Less is More

Sexy is in, and that’s a fact. Lots of major fashion labels are seeinghow far they can go in cutting back on the total amount of fabric used. For more mainstream fashionistas, this might be shocking. But for the dedicated ravers among us, well, we’re already pretty comfortable showing a little bit more skin. 

What less fabric actually means for your rave outfit is up to you. For some, it’s going to be back to the classics likebikini tops. For others, it might be experimenting with fashion choices likechaps, or going for bodysuits that are a little bit, shall we say,cheeky. Above all, less fabric is going to encourage being more creative, so feel free to try outnew kinds of styles

Retro is In

Callback fashion is also going to be a big hit this year. This could be in the patterns and colors you choose - so feel free to embrace theincredibly retro if it tickles your fancy. It’s also a matter of style as well. Don’t be afraid to show off a lot of leg with high-waisted bottoms - they’renot just for the 80s anymore. Another retro staple that is certainly coming back are fringes and frills, straight from the 70s - so get ready to go wild with yourflair

Beyond the Fashion

One of the biggest trend of the new years is the rising understanding that there is more to fashion, than just the fashion. For some, it might be a move towardsgreater inclusion in fashion offerings. For others, it could be about moreenvironmentally conscious choices in where they purchase. Of course, if you’re looking for either of these, there’s no better place to go than to Freedom Rave Wear. So get excited for 2022, and get ready to flaunt what you got! 

P.S. Check out our coming soon collection to see the latest drops 

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