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10 Quarantine Activities: That Don't Involve Cutting Your Own Hair

By: Cyn (@cynquinbeauty)

We are all trying to do our part to flatten the Covid-19 curve by social distancing. If you aren't working (or even if you are,) by now you must be bored in the house and in the house bored. These are my person suggested 10 quarantine activities so that you don't give yourself a regrettable hair cut that seemed like a good idea at the time because you saw a tutorial, and how hard can it be, right? ….  yeah no. Don't do it.

1. Use your free sample stash - Sephora and Ulta samples of face masks and hair products have been sitting in your drawers waiting for you to pull them out, and hey! because you have already cleared out your junk drawers, you found all the unused samples that you've collected the past few shopping trips.
organize rave clothes

2. Organize your rave/festival clothing-- put on your festival gear and Marie Kondo that sh*t! If it no longer sparks joy, start an Instagram page to sell your new or gently loved items. Get some extra cash with minimal effort. Then, organize what you kept, and I suggest plastic storage bins if you do not have the luxury of a large closet or dressers. Use the large zip lock bags to organize accessories and Kandi. 
festival braids

3. Learn how to braid(fishtail, French, etc.) via youtube tutorial. Use this time to experiment with different hairstyles (so you don't necessarily have to chop it off) and by the time we are headed to our next event, you'll be a pro at braiding hair. Try even learning to braid in colorful hair for longer, more fun, locks.

4. Sign up for Skillshare and learn some skills to add to your resume or learn how to photo and/or video edit. Search the internet for specials or free trials for skillshare or similar platforms to learn a wide range of skills and things you may have not even thought of. Browse their catalog or search something you may have had in mind. Learn to master Microsoft Excel or other programs, to spruce up your resume or learn to use adobe photoshop and other adobe programs to create content. Make yourself valuable and marketable for this competitive job market. Or just learn something for yourself.

5. Interview family members (over the phone) and save the audio. Turn these recordings into an audiobook. Ask for them to tell you about where they were during important places in time or for them to tell you about specific memories they had. 

6. Download Duolingo or Rosetta Stone and learn a foreign language. Pick up some basic conversational words for when you are traveling abroad. It will be satisfying to be able to communicate with others when in another country or even right here at home.

7. Audible books - My favorite are autobiographies that are read by the person they are about. It is fun to hear the story narrated by the person it is about. One of my favorites was Down the Rabbit Hole by Holly Madison. Podcasts are also great to listen to. They can be entertaining, informative, or inspiring. I recommend Night Owl Radio, The Office Ladies, Radio Wonderland, Short Story Long, Straight up with Stassi, Andrea Savage, A Grown-up Woman, The Bitch Bible, The Skinny Confidential, No Sleep Podcast, and Dr. Death. I listen during work, while driving, cleaning, cooking. In the morning I listen to while getting ready for work and it starts my day off well.

8. Learn Calligraphy - That pretty hand-lettering that you always see people do and wonder how they learned? Well, you could learn it too. Watch tutorials, download practice sheets, and practice until your arm falls off. If you have an iPad and Apple Pencil, you can download digital practice sheets.

9. Start a planner---paper or digital. Thoughts goals priorities. gratitude, daily affirmations. My planner from Erin Condren is a huge lifesaver. It helped me keep track of appointments, bills, deadlines, birthdays, festivals. It also helped me learn how to time block and use my time efficiently. I recently got into digital planning with my iPad and Apple Pencil. (YouTube it, trust me, you'll love it.)

10. Learn a new dance. Learn to Salsa, Ballroom, Swing, shuffle,  you name it. Learn the basic steps and then when quarantine is over you can practice with a partner or dedicate yourself to it and impress everyone on the dance floor.
freedom rave wear face mask

There are so many other things you can do but these are just some that I wanted to share (I'm sure you've already been told to read, binge streaming services, spring clean, etc.) so hopefully, I gave you some new ideas to try. Above all, please understand how important it is that we all keep social distancing and taking precautionary measures.  Stay at least 6ft apart from others, wash your hands frequently, wear face masks out in public. Freedom rave wear has many new styles and colors for you to choose from. I recommend the antimicrobial option and getting at least 2 so that you can wash them daily. Use discount code "CynQuin" to save money on your purchase.

Now that you've seen my strategic product placement, I would like to close out by saying that it is important that we all social distance and adhere to stay at home order set in place. Please continue to do the right thing, even when it is not easy.

Be conscious of adhering to CDC guidelines and hopefully we can return to music festivals a lot sooner.

If you would like to hear more, please go to or find me on or
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