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5 Best Side Hustles to Pay For Your Festival Ticket

Us ravers know that the lifestyle can be a pricey one. Totals add up fast from tickets to costumes to the necessary essentials. That’s why I’ve decided to put together a list of awesome side hustles that will help ease the burden on your wallet.

1) Theyearn Dating App

I know, there are soOoO many dating apps out there these days. However, this one is not only different, but it’s also potentially highly profitable. Imagine the same basic premise we’re all accustomed to of swiping left and right. Except, in this case, we can actually get paid to swipe and make awesome connections. Download the yearn dating app, upload your cutest pics and start chatting it up! *Click here if you have an android*


2) Open Up An Etsy Shop

This is for my crafty peeps. There are plenty of things you can make on Etsy! It’s all about supplying a niche item that you know people want. Some ideas are custom totems, costume accessories, glitzy bras and so much more!


You can start off by making a few basic designs for people to see and promote it to your friends and social media! Make sure you go for quality and not quantity. It can be fun and fulfilling to make beautiful things that your fellow rave community will love! This is a great way to make some extra bucks for your next fest ticket. Here is ayoutube video that will help guide you through the steps of opening up a shop!



 3) Sell Your Old Rave Clothes

As ravers, we all love to go balls to the walls with our costumes. Double wearing an outfit is something we strive to not do. So why don’t you sell the pieces you hardly wear anymore? You can do this on sites like:




These are platforms where you can post your old lightly used clothes to help pay for your next fest but also make room in your closet for new lines! LikeBlack To Bae•sics!


4) Become an Uber/Lyft Driver

We all have used Uber or lyft at some point in our lives. It is a basic necessity of going out in this day and age. The coolest thing about this side hustle is that you can literally do it whenever you want! As long as your car is regulation you can utilize this to your benefit. You can also meet so many cool people and foster great connections. (Although not all of them will be winners) But think about it, if you just do 6-8 drives per week, that is some serious cash in your pocket! And all you have to do is drive people from point A to point B! If you only drive during surges, that is even more mula! In some cases, Uber will even lease you a car so you don’t have to rack up all those miles on your own ride! Zaayymm talk about a deal! The steps to becoming an uber driver are righthere.



5) Promote for Events


Diz one for my influencers and insta fanatics. If you have a following on social media insomniac and other event coordinators will pay you in festival tickets if you do a good enough job! What usually happens is they give you graphics to post on your various social media platforms, in addition, in some cases give you some tickets to sell to your friends. But the key to this is to be consistent with what they ask of you and try and go above and beyond the call of duty. As they do not just give out tickets to everyone who signs up for these promotion gigs. To do this for insomniac, you usually have to know a person who works there to get on the promotional email list. But fear not! there are more opportunities out there. Click here for more job opportunities as a promoter. 




Buy two tickets and charge your festie bestie twice as much... just kidding! That's not in the spirit of PLUR;)


I hope these were helpful for you to get your hustle on! Get savvy and creative! I know you have it in you. Do it for the fest, go out there and make some memories that will last a lifetime. 

By: Ricky Barnett

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