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EDM Youtubers

By: Liza Kliminsky (IG: @lizaklimm)

YouTube has skyrocketed into the hot, new platform for different subcultures to thrive. We’ve seen it happen with gamers and beauty gurus, but now … EDM has taken over and has been thriving! The beauty of our community has started taking over and sharing the love with people worldwide. If you’re looking for new, like-minded individuals to subscribe to - read on! 

Tara O’Neill claims to be “your girlfriend’s favorite YouTuber” and she’s not wrong. Her rave try-on hauls are nothing less than jaw-dropping inspiration. She even used to work at Dolls Kill, so you know she has taste! Tara has helpful videos with how to make makeup last all day and funny vlogs following her around through daily life. If you’re also looking to get some effective workouts in prep for your next show, she has some workout videos that have gone viral! Her laid back personality makes her easy to watch and her consistency with posting new videos is refreshing. Her Instagram (@tara0neill) is chock-full of 3M and baddie inspired photos. If you like aesthetic photos and super cute clothes, she’s your gal. 


Tara O'Neill


The next rave YouTuber up is Sarai Jones, also known as Krazyrayray. She has been a YouTube veteran but has recently got into EDM in the past few years. She’s been seen attending festivals like Bass Canyon and Snowglobe (with Tara!). She has videos like rave transformations and is also into being healthy and sharing her workouts with the world. She’s even made a funny video where her parents rate her festival outfits, it’s definitely worth checking out for some good entertainment. I remember watching Sarai way long-ago when I was just starting high school. Her huge fanbase of 3.8 million subscribers goes to show that her content is relatable and people love her worldwide. So happy to see we’re in the same music-loving community now :)



Lastly, we have Vanessa Seco, the shuffle queen. You’ve probably seen this beauty shuffling on your Instagram or her family’s festival wear brand, Diosa by Seco. She and her family bring love to everything they do and everyone unites over their love of house music. Her family is super involved in the EDM world and they even go to festivals together! If you’re ever feeling down, turn on one of their videos and you’ll remember instantly, that life is beautiful. She’s also a fantastic resource for anyone wanting to learn how to shuffle! If you’re into learning how to dance, Vanessa often travels teaching different clinics and classes. She’s also a dancer for energy drink, Bang! It’s super cool to see the more business side of the industry with a huge company like that having shufflers as representatives. 


Vanessa Seco

There are so many more beautiful souls out there that are EDM related and why wouldn’t you want to have more of that in your life? Branch out from EDM Twitter and IG and head to YouTube to get your fix of vlogs, tip videos, and hauls. Do you have another favorite rave-related personality I haven’t listed? Comment below to tell me who I subscribe to! 

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