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Electric Forest 2020, The Lost Year

By: Angelina

A couple of years ago my boyfriend and I discovered Electric Forest through some good friends who are apart of this remarkable Electric Forest Family. We immediately added it to our festival bucket list and decided we would do whatever possible to make sure we get to Electric Forest 2020. That way it would give us plenty of time to do some research, figure out logistics, and secure our (super hard to obtain) 2020 tickets. We were THRILLED about the whole experience, meeting new friends, and getting lost in the forest. Unfortunately, COVID-19 spread like wildfire across the entire United States, and Electric Forest 2020 had to be canceled until the following year, 2021. Our hearts shattered when we read about the sad news, but we know when we are finally able to walk in that magical forest for the first time it is going to be like nothing we have ever experienced before.


We did not know how hard it was to get tickets to the forest if you are a first-timer. After doing some research we found out that they have a loyalty program, which makes it easier for previous festival-goers to obtain tickets for the next year. We were incredibly nervous because tickets can sell out in minutes! But a good friend of ours who has been to Electric Forest for the past 5 years was accidentally sent the wrong loyalty pass, so they sent him the correct one and let him keep both! Being the amazing human being he is, he thought of us and gave us his 4 in the forest loyalty code! When it was time to buy the tickets, we did not have to wait in “line” online or worry about tickets selling out with that code. We were ecstatic and so appreciative of our rave fam who thought of us!


electric forest


After connecting with some experienced “Foresters” on Instagram (gotta love the internet) we were adopted into an Electric Forest camping group called, Camp Koto! If we did not find them we would be completely lost! They welcomed us with open arms and answered the many questions we had. We were adopted sometime in January and were added to the group chat. Over the past few months, we have kept in touch with everyone who was going to be in our group. Through this group chat, I was able to get to know everyone’s personalities and build friendships before meeting them in real life! This amazing group of people has been so loving and uplifting during these hard times for us, ravers. When it was announced that it would be canceled we were all there for each other on the chat. Sharing how each of us felt and went through all the emotions together. The Camp Koto family sends pictures and videos from their past experiences in the chat all the time which keeps my excitement alive for Electric Forest next year.


electric forest stage


I feel like I was so saddened about the situation and having to wait to experience Electric forest until next year for so long, but I know it is for the best! We must be safe now and protect ourselves, so we can finally attend these beautiful music festivals that we crave for. The Electric Forest family is STRONG and super supportive because we know how important music festivals are to a lot of people. For me, these music festivals are a big part of my self-love and mental health journey because of the incredible people I meet, the compassionate community, and the feeling of being free! If you have any friends or family who were supposed to be attending Electric Forest in a few weeks make sure you check upon us, we are more than likely pretending were living our best lives in Sherwood forest. I know all our hearts were broken when we read about the cancellation of the festival, but that gives us more time to make sure next year is PERFECT. We will be in the forest soon enough, fam.

Angie Navarroa Festival Addicts photographer and lover of everything festival related! Spreading PLUR near and far!  Follow her adventures on IG: @Edmqueenb.

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