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Music Venues: Outdoors vs Indoor

By: Sierra Judge (@sierrajudge)


Outdoor venues have always held a special place in my heart, yet I have still had some amazing times at indoor venues as well. The venue can really influence the event and play a role in what makes the event so special. 


Gud vibrations red rocks

(Gud Vibrations at Red Rocks 2019) 

There are so many factors that go into what makes an event special. The weather has greatly affected my experience many times, mostly in a positive way. If you were at EDC Orlando 2019, you know that the rain made Slander’s set that much more magical. On those extremely hot summer days, a nice shower can really make your day and keep your energy up. When it pours for an entire day at an outdoor event, it isn’t always as magical. The rain can feel super refreshing for a few moments, but can leave you feeling cold and damp. EDC Las Vegas, along with many other fest had to make last minute changes due to weather conditions this past year. Some stages were forced to shut down, and some festivals had to partially cancel (day 2 of SMF 2018). 

One nice thing about outdoor venues is they tend to have less strict guidelines, like prohibited items. At most indoor venues I’ve been to, no flow toys/hoops are allowed in. I feel these things really add to the beauty, experience, and how much you enjoy the event. At some indoor venues, accessories such as bandanas are not allowed. In popular travel destinations, such as Miami and Las Vegas, you may not be allowed in if you’re wearing shorts or sneakers. I personally have never been to an outdoor venue with a dress code. Being able to wear whatever makes you comfortable is always a plus. 

Due to limited space and large quantities of people, indoor venues do not always have space to move around as much. There often isn’t anywhere to rest indoors as well. Many outdoor venues offer large grassy areas perfect for taking a break to regain some energy. These open areas are a great place to set up an inflatable lounger, lay back, and enjoy the view. 

I personally love being outside surrounded by nature. Being able to look up at the sunset, or seeing the clouds through the lasers after dark gets me so excited and makes the experience more special. 

I’ve never met someone who didn’t like lasers. Being indoors, it tends to be darker because there is no light pollution. With the room being so dark, the lasers look even brighter and more defined. 


Slander House of Blues

(Slander at House of Blues Orlando)

Seeing the lasers through the clouds or bouncing off the mountains is also an incredible sight. Red Rocks will always be my favorite venue in the world. It is such a beautiful place to experience. At Red Rocks, located in Morrison, CO the stage is in the middle of the mountains. Lasers were being projected onto the mountains to create a beautiful show. The Gorge, located in Washington is another venue known for its breathtaking views. 

Bass canyon the gorge

(Bass Canyon at The Gorge)

If you have the opportunity, definitely go to as many venues as possible! Each will bring a different experience, and along the way you will figure out your favorite parts of each. You may even find your new favorite place!

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