We are in the home stretch people. Literally days away from EDC Las Vegas. I am an uber procrastinator and I’ve already pulled out my suitcase in anticipation — true excitement right there. It’s about that time to check off the four pillars of proper EDC planning.
Ok, confessions, I work for a rave wear company and have exactly 1.5ish outfits complete for EDC. What’s that saying? “A cobbler’s wife never wears shoes.” The thing is that clothes are by far the most fun part of EDC planning (who likes logistics anyways?), but for procrastinators like me, planning what to wear to EDC can also be a little daunting. It’s the the easiest way to express your EDC spirit, which also puts some pressure on the whole thing.
After coming to this point before nearly every event, I’ve learned a thing or two about pulling together last minute outfits I’m 100% happy with. First,invest your energy into one really great outfit. Trying to plan three epic outfits is exhausting and chances are you’ll end up with 3 you’re just kinda happy with. Tell yourself that one day you will go all out showing off your creativity. There’s multiple camps on which day, first or last, is the best to wear your “wow” outfit. My advice is to hit it hard day 1 when you’ll have the most energy and brainpower to pull it together just as you’d imagined.
Second,keep it simple, but add something cool. Anyone who raves with me will tell you I am the queen of shorts, sneakers and a tank top when it comes to rave wear. This is especially true on day 3 when comfort rules all. But, that doesn’t mean I’m willing to sacrifice all my rave style for simple planning and super comfort. Pair simple outfits with cool accessories like aflower crown (must-have at EDC),hood,bandana orkimono. My day three plan consists of shorts a sports bra and a ridiculously cool owl scarf I purchased earlier this year.
Third, and possibly my favorite option, is toget something there — especially true in Vegas, one of the nation’s best shopping destinations. Come say “Hi!” at our pop-up show in Caesars Palace, which will be open from 6 p.m.-midnight, June 14-16. If you’re pressed on time beforehand check out the super sick vendors (like us!) inside of EDC at Carnival Square. I love picking out a thing, or two or three, at EDC on the first day to wear later on in the weekend — new just feels better, doesn’t it? This year, I have my eye on a galaxy Insomniac hat I’m planning to create an outfit around.
If waiting until you get to Vegas has you feeling uneasy, I’ll share one more option to pre-plan your EDC outfit in time.Order something from us and grab it in Vegas — we’ll have free pickup at our pop-up shop and booth inside carnival court, so you don’t have to worry about your online purchase arriving in time.
Are you a procrastinator too? Share your tips do you have for pulling together your last minute EDC outfit like a champ.
Written by Desiree Roughton: Writer and Rhythmn Chaser
Custom outfits featured in photos are all by Freedom Rave Wear. If you want something similar for a future event make sure to order early at order@freedomravewear.com
Cover Photo: @raveselfies @edmhumor in Freedom Rave Wear at EDCLV 2015