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Excision + Freedom Rave Wear

Excision and Freedom Rave Wear
We couldn't be more excited to announce our collaboration with Excision! Same great quality handmade apparel, now with your favorite DJ! Want your own hood? Click here to BUY NOW!


With over 750,000 monthly listeners on Spotify, Excision has shown incredible talent and it looks like he is just getting started. Just in case you have been living in a bomb shelter for the last decade and missed the meteoric rise. Excision has catapulted to the top of face melting, sin causing, filth inducing Dubstep genre. Headbangers from around the world flock to his signature Paradox Tour, for what is easily the most enjoyable chiropractic adjustment around! Excision's out of control live shows include custom visual graphics from some godly force that calls another dimension home. Crazy visuals coupled with the earth-shattering, neck breaking, cathartic sound of Excision, make for a show you can't miss. All one of the most loyal and dedicated fan bases in EDM, make it a true honor to be working alongside Excision's talented team.

PARADOX TOUR - Check it out below:


Excision Merch

Excision Merch

Excision Merch Excision Merch
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